As we passed it Robert said,
"I really want to bungee off of there!"
After our eight hour drive to Las Vegas we started to pass the various hotels on our way to ours in the late afternoon. We started out quite early in the morning picking the kids up at Robert's parents' home. We visited with Janet and loaded them up into the car. We then headed over to Robert's Dad's office so he could say good-bye to his Dad for a few years. It was not the first two year good-bye for them as Robert served a mission for our church in Japan for two years when he was 19. However, that long a separation is never easy. We took some pictures of them together in the courtyard of his lovely office complex.
Doesn't Robert look like is Dad?
Entrance to the Fort
All of us in front of one of the original
little log cabins at the fort.
After we left there we traveled down to Cove Fort to pay a little visit to this church history site. We had a nice time and saw some wonderful exhibits of what life was like way out there in the desert a hundred and fifty plus years ago.
It is meticulously kept and maintained by missionaries, as are all our church history sites. The miracle of irrigation and TLC has produced a beautiful oasis in these parts. It was a beautiful day. The fort site was selected by Brigham Young and founded and settled by Ira Hinckley in 1867. He is one of Robert, Ross and Spencer's ancestors which made this visit all the more interesting for us.
little log cabins at the fort.
After we arrived in Las Vegas and got settled we had dinner and the evening was just free for relaxing or going out walking on the strip. The next day was our play day in L.V. The guys basically spent the entire day at Circus Circus with the boys in the roller coaster place. They had a ball, all four of them. They got home after we did that night.

They were far too busy going on roller coasters to take any photos so these are from the hotel website. I cannot imagine staying in there for all those hours but they did. Viva la difference!
Jim said it was a combination boardwalk and county fair under a big dome to regulate the temperature.
So apparently Robert wasn't kidding about jumping off the Stratosphere much to our surprise. :-0 This has to be the first time I have ever seen Robert doing something like this. I told him he blew his cover of being totally sensible at all times! I am glad to know he is not 100'% perfect in every possible thing! He is not allowed to scare his second mom like this, even after the fact! Thank heavens, Laura and I were at the show seeing Celine! Here is Bungee Boy getting into the astronaut outfit! He does shine in a uniform though, doesn't he? That is beside the point though! Just kidding! I am just so glad he was safe! Easy to say, after the fact, right?
Hugging his boys before the 1,149 foot plunge!
He survived and loved it but they all
look relieved, don't you think?

They were far too busy going on roller coasters to take any photos so these are from the hotel website. I cannot imagine staying in there for all those hours but they did. Viva la difference!
Jim said it was a combination boardwalk and county fair under a big dome to regulate the temperature.
look relieved, don't you think?
Why Grampa did not do this too is beyond me, it is so like his adventuresome nature to want to do it. But for whatever reason, he didn't. {{ Thanks Babe!}} Maybe he felt like he had already spent his mad money on Celine! Perhaps he stayed down to take care of the boys! Oh I know, maybe it is that you value life and limb more in your sixty-somethings. Whatever the reason, I am so glad.
I think the plan was to keep a low profile about this particular activity where Mom and Gramma were concerned, and the fact that they took three taxi rides back and forth between the hotels during the day. But the boys just couldn't keep it back. The first words out of their mouths were, "Guess what Dad did?" "Guess what we did!" Boys will be boys, always and forever! More power to 'em and us for that matter!
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